5 Ways to Find and Honor Your Own Voice

An emerging author looks to find, and honor her own voice. She has a story to tell. Disorganized images and words twirl in her head. Internally, she hears her voice, but the words and images seem detached. Feeling the excitement of a new project taking root thrills her. There is no order, rhyme, or reason to the collage she sees in her mind. While looking for words, or sentences to begin her masterpiece she meets a virtual wall. Can you relate to her? Have you tried to put your words to paper and feel you failed miserably? I have.

I found my voice at an early age. Writing comes easily for me for the most part; however, there are times when it is a struggle to get started. Does this happen to you? I am often asked, “Where do I start if I want to write a book?” In general, people want to know if they have what it takes to tell their story, share their experiences, or educate on their expertise. I can help. Today I am offering 5 ways to find and honor your voice.

First, let me share a scripture that will highlight my findings.

“For it is God who works in you to will and to act according to His good purpose.” Philippians 2:13.

After finding your voice, honor it. Use it to find and support your purpose. Your purpose helps you help others.

I share other tips in my chapter on Media and Education in the book Tying the Knot Between Ministry and the Marketplace. I, with other authors share a plethora of ideas and tips on writing. Also, I honor my own voice as I share my creativity through audio, words, and pictures on my T235 Facebook Group.  Along with that, check out The Personal Closet Facebook page, and the www.thepersonalcloset.com. website. Please visit, like, and join us on our journey.

Second, we all have talents, and we often look for, and find purpose. God working in us assists in finding our own voice and honoring it. So, to answer where does one begin to write a book, I will share 5 ways to help you especially if you are struggling.

Just Wirte

  1. Just write. I have found there is no magical way to begin a story, so release what is inside on paper, or on your laptop. Follow the pattern of no order, making no sense, and keeping it ugly. Usually, when I just write, I do it until I have nothing else left inside my head. I know then I have released that pent up mass of confusion.
  2. Take a break from what you just wrote. Once finished with your random writing, take a break. Breaking could be just a few minutes to stretch, getting a drink of water, or doing a chore. When I take breaks it allows me to focus on something else, while removing myself from overthinking my project. It is up to you, but I find the longer you let your random writing rest, the clearer you will see your vision when you return. Sometimes it is days, or longer until I return to a random write.
  3. Read with fresh eyes. When you begin reading your random writing after a break, you will definitely see it with fresh eyes. Some reactions may be shock, mind-blowing, joy, laughter, and amazement. It may be a shock to know what you kept inside. Your mind explodes at what you read, and you will laugh at the funny parts. Joy fills your heart because you can see the beginning to a work of art. Here, your amazement turns to determination.
  4. Order your thoughts. Reading with fresh eyes will allow you to begin ordering your thoughts. You now see how your thoughts could flow better. It is time to begin to mark-up the writing. Indicate what needs to be moved, removed, and rewritten. Make a mess.
  5. Begin your re-write. After following 1-4 you are now ready to rewrite your piece with a clearer vision. Your creativity now opens you to let the flow of thoughts merge with new thoughts and edits.

Finally, before you know it, your book of poetry, fiction, non-fiction, self-help, etc., will be ready for publishing. Further, after editing, why not just print it off and make your own first self-published book.

I hope these 5 ways to find and honor your own voice will be the start of many fun filled sessions of writing bliss that lead to large successes. How do begin your writing process?