Seasons: Life Notes for Today-Part 1
Time and Purpose
If I had one hundred dollars for the many seasons I have passed through in my life I could take a nice long vacation. Somehow the word “season” made those time frames seem less threatening. Whether it was a good season or not so good, I knew it would pass. As we move through life we recognize many changes that occur. Changes to self, body, and mind are evident. Yet, as time moves, we move with it embracing lifestyle and personal changes that impact our futures. Paying attention to both positive and negative changes or “seasons” help us grow and maintain balance. There is a time for everything and in that, work and a purpose.
The seasons of life are listed beautifully in Ecclesiastes 3:1-10. How we face our current status in life has everything to do with making wise decisions and choices. That principle has not, nor will it ever change. Modern Christians face rapid social and cultural changes in their personal lives, communities, and churches. The goal is to find balance. The challenge is striving to merge life today, with the (Biblical) principles of yesterday without losing your faith and belief in God. This post is to help anyone who is struggling to balance today’s lifestyle with what the Bible says, and not losing your faith.
Finding Balance
Christians today are indeed living in critical times that challenge their beliefs. What was once sacred and used to teach God’s way of life is now under siege. We are in a new season and it is causing turmoil at the core of our belief system. For those who know that cycles of change occur often, this new spiritual cycle is leaving many dazed. Some are confused, and many have fallen, or are falling away from the basic core values their ancestors taught and valued. What is left are those who suffer spiritually with lost identities and exposure to false teaching and leaders. The good news is you can reclaim your identity in Christ without losing your faith, or values. God will never abandon you, so hang tight and do not abandon Him.
Ecclesiastes 3:1-10 reflect the changes that affect all our lives. As you can see, God never intended for us to become tangled in a time warp. His intent is simple. First, you must recognize that change is going to happen. Next, is how you respond to that change. The decisions you make will make your season productive our non-productive. Sadly, some try to hold on to old seasons without letting the new season emerge. For instance, it makes more sense to maintain your values, make room for the new, and merge slowly. You see, compromising does not necessarily mean letting go of your beliefs, it just means that you are embracing change, but remaining true to you, and God.
Making Wise Choices
Remaining true to you and God means you are willing to meet your seasons and adjust lifestyles until the season passes. For instance Ecclesiastes 3:5 reads, “A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing.” Would it make sense for you to gather food for winter, and starve it because you do not like the person, or company who made the food? Is it wise to embrace every nuance of popular culture? Again, your choices will ultimately decide how well you weather a season.
God designed seasons so we would not get stuck or perpetually bored with our lives. I hope you will open up and embrace yours. Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that life cannot, and will not remain the same forever. Stay tuned for Part 2 of Seasons. I will share the importance of being “in season” instead of “out of season.” Are you going through a season right now? Is your season one of harvest or challenge? We would love to hear from you. Until next time-Live Life AND Love God. Visit The Personal Closet.