Ministry of Jesus | The Light | Healing Series

The Ministry of Jesus -The Light,  P3 in the Signature Healing Series. This audiocast reminds that once the world was filled with darkness. The darkness was not good, so God spoke light, and the darkness disappeared. The world became brighter, but as a result, the people become darker.


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The Ministry of Jesus -The Light, in the Signature Healing Series. This audiocast reminds that once the world was filled with darkness. The darkness was not good, so God spoke light, and the darkness disappeared. The world became brighter, but as a result, the people become darker.

Who is “The Light?” Jesus Christ is “The Light.” The Ministry of Jesus represents “The Light of the World.” The specific instructions Jesus left for us to light the way for others still stands. Hear how Jesus instructs us to using his “light” daily. Where do you stand? In this uniquely refreshing narrative, you will be empowered to carry on His work as He intended.

Our work  as his descendants began when he ascended to the Father. You see, Jesus expects us to carry on his tradition. God designed us to shine brightly representing Him.

The many titles of Jesus testify to his character. If you follow us you see he is also known as “The Lamb,” and “The Son.”

Download NOW to find out how he expects us to become little lights for Him.




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