Find Your Personal Therapy | TPC

Have you tried seeking and finding your own personal therapy? Lately with the loss of many well known people, common friends and family it may help. Depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders are on the rise. We are all affected by it, so how can we help?

Personal therapy involves things committed to but don’t cost much, if anything. It is time to put into practice what he hear daily. Here are 5 ways to find and practice your personal therapy.

1.  Make time and a quiet place to return to reading inspirational articles, books, papers, etc. The Bible is filled with stories and helps that address life. Try researching something in the Bible you have been curious about. In other sources find those who experienced your situation and how they overcame. It’s therapeutic, educational, and encouraging.

2.. Discover media sources that feed the mind and soul with love, encouragement, and good clean fun. There are many TV and streaming stations that offer great movies and life lessons that help replace damaging content. Good fantasy can relax a troubled mind.

3. Refresh your mind where you find joy. Explore things you like then work them in your life. I love jigsaw puzzles. I find they relax me, and allow me to commune with God. You might enjoy drawing, painting, writing, sewing, cooking, etc. There are many things to explore to help the lift moods. Move from “I can’t,” into “I’m going to try!” Do something to replace any negative thoughts, or environmental forces. You can find your therapy in many places and experience satisfaction.

4. Grow. Often moving from a rut will open the door to a new chapter. For instance, if it is time to cut the clubs, cut the clubs. Move into something more wholesome. Also, avoid the “I don’t like,” trap. Accept a challenge to learn to knit. Step out and try bird watching. Find what you like and grow into it. Spend time engaging in stead of overthinking, or rehashing.

5. Listen to,  or watch spiritual, wholesome, instructional, or clean fun, videos. If cooking is your thing, watch those. Make a playlist on YouTube and listen, or watch how common people do things. Rude, crude, inappropriate visuals and audios disturb peace. Find things that will enhance your intellect and interest. There are many ways to relax on social media. Just look for the good.

Further, listen to family and friends you trust. they show or speak concerns about you, listen. Next, think about what they shared. Then, began a personal plan to do better. Taking offense is just what the enemy likes. Don’t satisfy him. Examine, and grow.

Overall, personal therapy should not replace professional therapy if needed. It can start your road to healing and peace. It can be fun. Before you slip into places that rob you of your mental and physical strength find your own personal therapy that fits you and relax in it.

What is your personal therapy?